Wednesday, July 27, 2016

10 Looks from the Maybelline Brights Palette Part 2

PART 2. 

Here is the second half of the tutorials for you. 

Turquoise Pop

Take the Taupe (1) color with a fluffy blending brush slightly above the crease to be the transition shade. Take an angled fluffy brush and the black (4) blend that out into the "Outer V". Use a lid brush to pack the gold (2) onto the eye lid. (You can apply it wet.) White on the brow bone and inner corner.
Apply the liner. Take an angled brush and heavily pack the turquoise (3) on it. Take the black (4) on a liner brush and put it on the water line and tight line. 
Mascara and Done!

Smokey Purple Under Eye

Start with the Brown (3) on a fluffy brush lightly. Just enough to be a transition. Put it also on the "Outer V" enough to deepen down the color. On the lid pack Taupe (1) and then put the Cream (4) over it. The point is to keep the upper eye less dramatic. 
Apply your eyeliner. 
Under the eye put the purple (6) with a fluffy brush extend it to the edge of the eyeliner. over that Magenta (2) trying to bring it down under the eye. Lastly, take the light purple and dust it under the eye. Put Gold in the inner corner and the white on the brow bone. 
Take Black put it in the waterline.
Mascara and Done! 

Start with the Brown in the crease and little bit above for a transition with a fluffy brush. Take an angled brush put the black on the outer v and outer third of the eye. Then put it on the inner third of the eye to create a halo effect. 
On top of that pack white on the lid. Take a blending brush and blend the two colors together. Put white on the brow bone and inner corner. Apply eyeliner. Under the eye apply black. Mascara and Done!

Neutral Eyes Professional

Place Brown (4) in the crease as a transition color with a fluffy brush. Then, take the Brown (4) shade again and put it in the outer V. Build up the color until you get a desired color. Pack the Taupe (2) color on the lid. Put Cream (2) on the inner corner and White (1) on the brow bone. Then take Brown (4) and run it lightly under the eye. For this look I didn't wing out my eye liner. 

Black and Brown Professional

Take a fluffy brush and take the brown and put it slightly above the crease. Take an angled fluffy brush and lightly dust it in the Black and put that on the outer V up into the crease. Pack Taupe onto the lid. Cream in the inner corner and brow bone. Use an eye liner brush and gently run the black under the eye. 

There you have it 10 Looks from the Maybelline Brights Palette. 

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Saturday, July 23, 2016

10 Looks Using the Maybelline Brights Palette Part 1

So, I've kind of got an idea for something new. I want to take time and do different looks from different palettes to see how versatile they are. Personally, I feel like I see Youtube that only shows me one look, or swatches. I have no clue what to do with them. I figured if I'm like that then other people probably are too. 
I had the Brights Palette already and decided to start with this one. 
You get twelve colors. Some are pigmented, others require more building up. It's a pretty decent palette and fairly versatile.

So. Here we go.
So, the palette comes with suggestions on the back to give you different ideas of how to use it. I decided to start there. 
So here you go. 
Quad 1

Start with the Brown a little bit above the crease to act as a transition shade. I used a fluffy blending brush to do this step. Next, take a angled fluffy blending brush pick up the black and then blend it out on the "Outer V" Pick up the dark purple and put it over the black blending it out as much as possible. Take the light purple and pack that on to the lid. I went back and added more color to marry the colors. 
I put the white on the brow bone and the gold on the inner corner. Apply the black liquid liner. Under the eye put down the black with the purple over it, blending it out. Mascara. Done. 

Quad 2

This one is fairly simple too. Taupe color in the crease and blend that with a fluffy blending brush. Blend that down into the "Outer V". Pack the green on the lid with a lid brush. Take a stiff angled brush and put the dark blue on the outer v lightly. I went back into the taupe and blended out the blue a little bit in the crease. 
White on the brow and Cream in the inner corner.
Take the dark blue on a liner brush and underline the eye with it. Put on the black eyeliner and let it dry. Take the dark blue and put it on top of the liner. Mascara. Done.
Quad 3

Take a fluffy brush in the brown and apply it in the crease. Take an angled fluffy brush with the Magenta and apply it to the "Outer V". From there, pack the blue on the lid. White on the brow bone and gold on the inner corner. Under the eye put the Magenta down and then the brown. 
Black liner. 
Mascara. Done. 

Purple and Green

Put Dark Purple on the crease and the "Outer V" with an angled fluffy brush. Take the light green and place it on the lid. Take the purple again with a fluffy blending brush and put it over the line between the purple and the green. Take black on stiff angled brush or liner brush. Put purple over the black. White in the inner corner and brow bone. Liner. 
Mascara. Done. 

Purple Anytime

Take a fluffy brush in the brown(4) and place it slightly above the crease to be the transition shade. In the crease and outer v use the dark purple (1) with a angled fluffy brush.  Light Purple on the lid. (2). Under the eye Magenta. (3). Black liner. Mascara and done. 

So to keep this from being ridiculously long. I'm only going to put the first five in this post. I'll put the second half on another post. 

As Always,
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