Wednesday, June 3, 2015

In Search Of. . . Starbucks Secret Menu: Pixi Stick

In Search Of. . . Starbucks Secret Menu: Pixi Stick

Now it comes time for my favorite part of the week... the Starbucks Secret Menu.

I went back to refreshers, because it's now officially to hot to be alive. As much as I complained about the overcast weather, I wish it back again. While the rest of the world is getting rain, we here in the South West get 103 degree weather.

Anyway, I think for the rest of the summer, I'll be doing frappe and iced drinks.

Today, we bring you the Pixi Stick.

Here it is

Oh, look, another truck picture... but this is a different truck. Not my Bondo.

To get this you need

  • Order half passion tea, half Valencia orange refresher
  • No water
  • No orange slices
  • 2 to 3 Pumps of Classic syrup. I got 3.
  • 1 to 3 Pumps of Raspberry (I got one because Raspberry it's such a strong flavor.)

This one tastes like an actual pixi stick. It gives you that weird feeling in the back of your jaw. I recommend only one pump. Well, actually, the Barista said that, so she would know. I'm glad she told me though because it would have been too sour for it.

As far as the Pixi Stick is concerned, I would give it a thumbs up. It's really nice and refreshing.

As always,

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