Tuesday, January 26, 2016

DIY Laundry Soap

So, I've been seeing if DIY really does help you save money as far as a price comparison. So one of the things I wanted to make myself is laundry soap. So I did. 

You'll need to get a container. I mean it; don't do this with out one. 
You'll need: 
A Cheese Grater
Fels-Naptha Soap, which run $0.97 each and you'll need 3. 
Borax $4.00
Washing Soda $4.00
Baking Soda  $2.00
You'll want the large box, but I didn't get it. So I had two new ones and use a half of the other one. 

Grate the bars first. I just grated mine, but you can also put them in the food processor and blend it down more if you want. It doesn't take very long to do this actually. Originally when I started this plan, I thought I would need to put some essentail oils in there to give it some scent. Nope. These bars smell amazing. They perfume this whole thing nicely. 

Once you have that, you'll want to put in the powders.

So I wish I had a full shot of this. This is a huge punch bowl and even then I had to put it in another container. At this point, I mixed it together with my hands to get a fairly even distribution. 

I've washed a few loads with this. I did a load with what looked liked to be the equivalent of what I would normally use in liquid. I actually had to wash it twice because it was too much. I did another load later and used a little bit. That worked. It works just as well as normal liquid soap. 
You have to use less, and this recipe makes a lot. So that makes it pretty cost effective. 

If you compare spending 14 to 17 on things like Tide or Gain. Even if you get Costco brand, it's $11, but you get twice as much. 

I like this. I'll be making it again. 

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