Thursday, February 11, 2016

Blending and Calorie Counting

Sorry I didn't do a Tuesday post; I haven't been feeling well this week and basically crashed on Tuesday. Even this one is going to be late because I'm just that tired. 

So, I thought I wanted to do blends, mostly because I don't have a juicer. I looked up a few recipes and decided to make them. Here's the website. I had about 8 recipes, and in my experience each one makes roughly two drinks. And don't, I repeat, don't add chocolate protein powder. It makes it taste gross. 

Here are a few of the ones I've made so far. 

Popeye Special
This one was pretty good. 

Citrus Zinger
I liked this one. It was like pulpy orange juice

Snake Bite.  
This is the one I added the chocolate protien powder too. I couldn't really get past the color. It had mostly carrots in it. I tried it, but it was nasty. 
I made the green machine, but added spinach to it because I didn't have enough kale and I didn't want to buy any more. I liked this one the best it didn't really have a whole lot of taste though. 
Now, I've found that I can't juice all day. I get really hangry if I don't put some protien and sugar into my system. It's really horrible. It really is. 
The blending helps me at work where snacks are fatty and readily available. I know you all know I don't believe in restriction dieting, so the blending is more to help and jumps tart my weight loss. I decided to still eat regularly but keep track of my eating habits. 
This too makes me more aware for what I'm eating. Because it's super easy to eat half a box of Cheeze-its in one sitting before I know it. So I use an app on my phone. I tried a few of them, but I prefer my fitness pal. They don't allow you to fully customize it, but it's easy to use, and it has the widest variety of food and exercises.

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