Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February Goals

So, February is health and fitness month I'm going to carry over some goals from January. For example, still saving for Israel and continuing to budget, which I'll do a three month check in for that. This month, however, I want to focus more on the things we do to be healthy. 

My lifestyle lately has lead me to be a Fatty Lumpkin
Except, less majestic. 
So, I'm going to do something to change that.
Now, you can read any of prior blog posts to realize that I don't believe in dieting for long term events, and I really don't believe in crash dieting. Now before anyone gets up in arms, I'm doing this because I want to. If you're happy with your body, then you don't. I'm not so there. 
I don't imagine myself to be fat or ugly or anything; I just want to be the best me I can. 

So, February Fitness Goals

1. Limit myself to two sodas a week
2. Drink more water

3. Work out twice a week, at least. 
4. Try to limit my sweet intake.
 (Yes, I know this one isn't specific, but I'm not sure I how I'll do it.)
5. Reach 150 lbs. by the end of the month. (Current weight 158.)
6. Save for Israel
7. Write 100 words of a novel
8.Submit a freelancing proposal

Anyway, that's my January Goals. See you all on Thursday. 

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