Thursday, May 12, 2016

Still More Yoga Routines--Core

I swear, only a few more. Two more after this one today. And I'm sure you guys will be glad to be done of it. All right, so this routine focuses more on your core muscles. You'll see several of the moves that your familiar with in here, but don't forget the muscle toning will work on more than one muscles group

On your hands and knees, extend your arms and legs, bring yourself up into a "V" shape for Downward Facing Dog. Go into Quarter Dog by bending your elbows and resting them on the flour. From there raise back up, into Downward Facing Dog, Lift one Leg up for Three Legged Dog. Curl one leg around and bend your head towards your foot for Arching Three Legged Dog
Move into the top part of a plank by stretching your legs out behind you and extending your arm. Bend your knee and bring it up to your chest for Knee Up Plank
Next are the Warrior Series. Keeping one foot extended back, step forward placing your foot on the ground. Extend your arm up and look to the ceiling. Warrior 1. Revolved Side Warrior, bringing your hands down in front of the chest, press the palms together. Lean forward and hook your elbow on the outside of the opposite knee. 
Slowly untwist and bring yourself up right, stretch your arms out to your sides for Warrior 2. Again move into Extended Side Angle still in Warrior 2 lean forward and place your hand flat on the ground and stretch your arm over your head while looking up. 
Stand up completely for Warrior 3. Raise your arms into the air next to your head, balancing on one foot lean forward. Still on one foot lean forward till your hand is flat on the ground and raise your leg. Keep your free hand extended above you and turn your head up towards the ceiling.
Stand back up. Step one foot forward, keeping it straight. Stretch your arms out to your sides. Twist your body, and place the same hand as extended leg on the ground, keeping your other arm stretched up. Look toward the ceiling. 
Move into Side Plank. Lay on your side and place one foot either on top of or slightly in front of the other. To begin, you can rest on your elbow, or if you feel strong, extend your arm and and stretch the other arm in the air trying to keep it inline. 
Balancing Star. Keep one foot and hand flat on the floor. Stretch your leg up and your hand up keeping your balance. To complete Sage pose, try grabbing your foot with your hand. This is one you may have to work into. Sage Tree is an easier pose. Keep one hand extended, but bend one your knee and place your foot against your knee. 

Dolphin Plank or Bridge laying on your stomach, rest on your elbows, keeping them directly under your shoulders. Lift yourself up on your toes, keeping them bent towards your body. 
One Legged Four Limbed Staff rest your weight on your hands, keeping your elbows bent at and close to your body. Keeping your weight on your toes lift one leg us keeping it slightly extended. 

Time to stretch out in Up Dog. Extend your feet and drop your hips to the ground. Stretch your body up by extending your arms and arching your back. Tilt your head back if you want a deeper stretch. Drop back to your stomach for the Clasped Locust clasp your hands behind your back and lift your chest and legs off the ground. From there, unclasp your hands and extend them forward next to your head for Extended Locust. Again, keep your legs and chest lifted. 
Now for Locust, rest your hands, palm face up next to your body, again keeping your chest and your legs lifted. 
Still on your stomach, bend your knees, keeping your legs lifted, and grab your ankles for the Bow pose. Lay back down for Half Frog, rest your weight on your elbows and keep one leg extended out behind you. Bend one knee up and press on your foot with your hand. For Frog, do the same thing to both feet at the same time. 
Now turn over on to your back. Sitting on your bum, keep your legs together and lift them as high as you can, while sitting your torso up. Keep your arms extended on the outside of your legs for Boat.
Go into Intense East by sitting down and extending your legs out in front of you. Place your hands behind you, with your fingers pointing towards your feet. Extend your arms, bringing your body into a line. 
Extended Low Squat. Go down in a low squat, hovering your bum over the ground. Lean your body forward and extend your arms out in front of you. 
Stretching it out again, come up to your knees for the Camel. Turn slightly to the side and grab your ankle with one foot and grab the other with the other hand. Arch your back and tilt your head backwards. And then Cool down, Do Head to Knee. Sit on the ground and bend one knee to your body and stretch the other one out. Grab on the leg where ever you can, working your way down as you get more flexible. Bend your body forward trying to touch your forehead to your leg. 

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