Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Pinteresting things--Jillian Michael's Detox Tea


So, I'm going to try to start a new series where I attempt to do some of the things you see on Pinterest and figure out if it's fact or fiction. 
So to start us out, we're going to go on the journey to see if Jillian Michael's Detox Tea actually works. If you don't know who Jillian Michael's is, she's a health and fitness trainer on the Biggest Looser. She's known for being tough and pushing people past their limits. Well, apparently if you chum the health and fitness waters on Pinterest, it won't be very long before you attract this 7 day Detox Drink. 
The premise is, you'll loose 5 lbs of water weight in 7 days. Now granted, you're supposed to be eating healthy and drinking water already. (No More Big Macs. Sad Panda) Part of this is to be speed up the detox process. 
Here's the bit where Jillian Michaels actually details the drink plan. You only need to watch the first minute for the recipes. The rest are her fitness tips. 
ON to the actual experiment. 

You'll need 

60 oz of distilled water 
1 Dandelion Tea Bag
1 Tbsp of Cranberry Juice
2 Tbsp of Lemon Juice

Make the Tea with the water and let it cool to room temperature. Add the rest of the ingredients. 

That Part done. 
You're supposed to drink 60 oz of the tea every day. So like 7 1/2 cups of water. So basically your entire water intake for the day.  Obviously you're supposed to be healthy and what not when you're drinking this or it doesn't work. That will be a bigger part of the challenge. 

So as I was looking for the ingredients listed, I found it extremely hard to find a natural sugar free cranberry Juice. I got R.W. Kunderson's just cranberry juice. It's 100% juice from concentrate, which I don't like. Although, as I was searching it seems like all the juices are from concentrate. This one seemed to be me the most healthy. 
Honestly, I think to get the full affect of the cranberry juice, you would almost need a juicer and have straight cranberry juice that way. 
Another thing I noticed a lot of people doing is using the prepackaged lemon juice. A lot of that is from concentrate as well. A thing to keep in mind, is you want it to be as natural as possible and concentrate has a lot of extra stuff. It's better to just buy the lemon and squeeze it yourself. 

Ok, so the drink is a diuretic to help you loose water weight. Drinking 8 glasses of water or tea or whatever will make you go to the bathroom every twelve seconds. And drinking lemon water is an old weight loss trick. The Cranberry and the Dandelion tea are antioxidants.

It doesn't have a bad taste. For me the lemon over powers a lot of the other flavors. Tea

Here's a picture of me on Day 1. Well see if my skin looks any different on day 7. 

So Day 1: I feel really full. I don't know if it's because I'm actually eating like a normal person. (I also started taking this raw organic veggie supplement.) I also have to pee every 30 seconds.  

Day 3-4 I kind of fell off the wagon, because I don't like the taste of the lemon juice after it's been sitting for a while. So I got busy one night and didn't make it for the next day. I was still drinking a fair amount of water, but I did notice my coffee intake went up to it's normal rate. But that's because I will look for something to drink and will lean towards coffee. 

Day 5-6 I swear I'm peeing every three seconds. I figured out that my water bottle holds 4 cups of liquid. so I can fill it up twice. I take the bottle with me to work and just keep it in the fridge there. I don't know if I'm feeling the full effect because while I haven't been eating fast foods, I have been eating regularly.
So no, as of yet I have not lost 5 lbs. I just pee every three seconds.

Day 7: So I don't really feel any different. I haven't lost any weight, not like she promised. I think maybe if I were eating exactly right, I might loos some weight, but who knows. I may give this another go. 

So final verdict. 

I didn't notice any difference in myself other than I felt more full than normal, but other than that. I broke out some on my face, which I read could happen, but it wasn't anything out of the common way. I'll check back in a week to see if I feel a difference between the time I was drinking the tea and the time I wasn't. 

So yeah, I feel like this Pintresting thing is a fail. 

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