Sunday, February 26, 2017

DIY Yoga Mat Cleaner

This was my favorite one. Lol. I just like the attitude. 

So a while back, when I was doing the work out month February of last year, I thought about doing a yoga mat cleaner. Back then though, I thought to myself, Self, why would you do a yoga mat cleaner? 
You work out at home.

Then I started going to the gym. That’s right. Me, miss anti-work out in public, is going to the gym. In fact, it’s become my second home.

While at the gym, I picked up a yoga class, and then I realized why you’d want a cleaner.
The same class you do your yoga on is the same class that hot guy doing pushups and free weights sweats on. And the same class the Zumba people dance on with their shoes.

Does anyone else think about where dirty shoes have been?

I do. Ew.

And other peoples sweat, even that hot guys? Blech.

So I finally got down to business and made a yoga mat cleaner, because why not? 

I hunted around Pintrest, until I found a recipe I liked. I found one at Greenback Girl here

Here are my ingredients. 

You'll need some water, witch hazel, tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus oil, and a spray bottle. Well, really only the tea tree oil. that's the true disinfectant. But the others are good as well. 

First, you need a 1 cup of water. 

The website I got it from didn't say distilled water specifically, I picked it up, because distilled water is better than regular water, right? Besides this was only a dollar.  and I got to drink the rest. 

Next comes the witch hazel. 

You need 1/4 cup. Witch Hazel. This is a cleanser and air freshener. (You can use it on your face too.) I personally don't like the smell of witch hazel, but it helps clean and it makes it better. 

Next come the essential oils. 

You need 10 drops of tea tree oils. Again, a disinfectant. Personally, I love the smell of tea tree oil. 

 Then, 15 drops of lavender oil. This is for calming. It also covers the smell of the witch hazel. I like the smell tea tree oil smell better.

5 drops of Eucalyptus. Another air freshner and cleanser. 

Then you put it all in a bottle and. . . 

Shake, shake, shake. 

Then you spray spray spray. 

Give it a few minutes. Wipe it off. It smells aaaammmmmmaaazzzzzinnnnnnnnggggggg. I really mean it. It smells super good. And it felt pretty clean. If nothing else, it smells good. 

So this is the first post of 2017. I hope every one enjoyed it. 

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