Wednesday, July 2, 2014

In Search Of. . . Fitness Week 2

In Search of. . . . Fitness Week 2 Measurements

Weight: 1 stupid 40 lbs.
Week 2 Measurements
Bust: 41 inches (Bigger? Go figure.)
Waist: 31 inches
Stomach: 38.5 inches
Hips: 38.5 inches
Rear: 40.5 inches
Thighs: 22 inches
Calves: 13 inches
Arms: 10.5 inches

So only half an inch in some parts, but it means I’m half an inch smaller in most parts, right? So, I will take that.

This week I’m going to talk about working out and life, and how they go together, or rather how they don’t.

Life has a lot of things we must accomplish, the feeding, the bathing, the working, and the house cleaning. Of course there are our vegetation hours when we become large stalks of broccoli. Getting a schedule together to accomplish everything you need to in one day is hard, especially when you want to get a good work out.

When you work out, you give up time you could spend watching T.V. (Although, I’d work out with DVD on the lap top and watch Diner, Drive-ins, and Dives. No clue why.) It is possible to kill two birds with one stone. Mostly like though, there are going to be days when life and working out aren't on speaking terms.

So yeah, accept right now that there will be days that you will miss your work out. Accept it!

For example though, I had to take a whirlwind trip for my late brother birthday and my nephew’s birthday as well few weekends ago. I left Friday morning and got back Sunday morning; I just didn't have the time between all the driving. It threw me off, and I missed four days in a row.  

On the fifth day, I checked my calendar and realized that the previous four day were missing the fluorescent yellow “WKOT” I put on there to keep track of myself. Irritated, decided it was time to work out again.
And there are also days where you just don’t want to work out. Don’t feel badly about those. These must also be accepted.

Just keep mind that when you've missed days, it’s one day out of 7, 30 to 31, and 365. You just can’t let it keep you down. Get back in those workout clothes and workout.

As always, 

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