Monday, July 6, 2015

In Search Of. . . Observations:The End

In Search Of. . . Observations:The End
Normally, I don't post much about my personal beliefs, not because I'm ashamed of them, but because one of my great fears is being a bad testimony for God. If one day I post something that damages my testimony for God not I'd rather have been no testimony at all than a bad one.

So, bear that in mind.

Recently, I enrolled in my church's Bible institute to get a two year associates degree. I did it partially because I missed school, and this is an amazing opportunity, and partially because I want to learn about the Bible. I've been in church all my life, even went to a Christian college, but some how I don't feel like my focus was ever really on Bible study.

It's my nature to study things that interest me. The Bible interests me, and all too often I feel inadequate to witness to people because I don't know how to answer all the questions specifically. For example, I never knew how to tell people how the Bible was canonized. I had to write a small paper on in it for class, and I learned a lot. Now I can actually explain things, maybe not on a college professor level, but I can explain them.

Anyway, most Christians know that God knows the end game. He has since the creation of the world and probably before. That's not news. Sometimes, I think we forget that Satan knows the end game too.

In the memory verse Isaiah 14:15 it specifically says "Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell." The funny thing about using shall vs will. Will kind of means that this will maybe happen. Shall means it is going to happen. No ifs, ands, or buts. God decreed that Satan shall be brought down to the pits of hell.

Which, on a side note, is kind of ironic because the preceding verses are talking about how Satan will make himself above God. I kind of imagine the parent listening to the kid spouting off all these threats. Then saying oh really? Well, I'm going to spank you.

I know that's not a very high analogy, but still.

What's really funny though is that even the demons, Satan's minions, know they're going to be judged.

I'm reading through Matthew for class, and unlike college where I had at least six classes and work to distract me, I can focus on my reading. I read for more comprehension and pick up on the little nuances like in Matthew 8:29.

This is where Jesus casts the demons out of them men and into the pigs. The demons ask Jesus why he has come to torment them before the time. The demons knew that their time was going to end on earth, and it will.

Now for practical application:

The world is going to end.

It will. We know it. God knows it. Satan and his demons know it. We also know that God is in control. So, as we watch the world implode on itself-- racial segregation, radical beliefs, murders, deaths, and natural disasters-- we can rest on the fact that God is in control. Yes, man has the ability to make decisions but nothing we do or say will affect God's end goal.
As always,
Here's to hoping we find what we're searching for.

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