Wednesday, October 14, 2015

In Search Of. . . Adventure: Weekend Highlights

In Search Of. . . Adventure: Weekend Highlights

Panorama from the Santa Monica Pier, looking at the water back to the city.
I'm just going to say, ignore my face in most of these pictures.

The end of Route 66.
My hair wasn't prepared for the humidity. It really wasn't. 
I thought the Ferris Wheel lights were really cool. It was funny. I made my dad take the picture, and he did it from his phone. This man and his wife were walking behind him. The guy saw what he was doing and went and made his wife take a picture there too.  

This the end of the pier and an actually well-lit spot. All the other places we tried this picture, I was silhouette, which was cool, but not what I wanted.
Tyra said it, FIND THE LIGHT!

A random house in the shmancy side of town. I also saw my first Tesla car.

The CBS Building,

I don't know what this building is, but it's cool, and I thought the red lights kind of added some more interest to the thing.

So, the original highlight of this weekend was supposed to be meeting Ransom Riggs, and seeing him in person. And just being that cool Well, I'm an idiot. I some how managed to get my weekends wrong. Ransom Riggs would have been 10/3. I went 10/9.
I don't know how I did it, but it's ok.

I went to the grand opening of the world first NYX cosmetics store instead. 

I went there to see Chrisspy. Apparently, I should have gotten there before the mall opened because it was crazy to see all the girls waiting to meet her.

Desi Perkins was also there, so I saw them both from far away, because lines. I don't like lines unless it's waiting for food or a roller coaster. Even, then I don't like them. If you cant tell, and you probably can't, Desi is the girl in white in the first picture and that's the lovely Chrisspy next to her. Which, by the way after watching a lot of her videos, has lost weight and looks super great.
 I do wish I could have gotten a closer picture, but oh well.

After that it was down the Pacific Coast Highway, which I tell you is a never again. Not becauese of the Highway, but because of the drive. Soo long to come down to San Deigo. My dad and I had a hard time watching the Bama game. (Bama won, by the way. ROLL TIDE!)

We stopped there and got in the water again. 

So that's all folks. Those are my weekend Highlights.

The play list will be up later today. 

As always,

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