Tuesday, October 6, 2015

In Search Of. . . Observation: 6 Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves. It's such a weird word. Unless your my mom and it's Pettee. (She doesn't hear very well.)
It's basically something that annoys or bothers a person very much, according to Merriam-Webster.com. It didn't have a word history, only that people started using it in 1919.

Anyway, nearly everyone has at least a dozen of pet peeves. I was only called to list six. So in order of least to greatest here are my pet peeves.
6. Open Shower Curtains.
This one is irrational, but I don't like looking at the shower for some reason. Maybe because I've always had decorative shower curtains and a messy shower. Not dirty, but I always seem to have four half used shampoo and conditioners around. Three body washes.. You know the works. Why I have all this stuff I have no clue, but I must hide it.
5. Following to Closely
This is my biggest driving pet peeve. I live in a world of wackadoodle people who really shouldn't have their licenses. I can't count how many times I've seen people go down the wrong side of the road. I have to put my blinker on a while before I turn so people will speed up so I can't get in front of them.
I ignore all those things. Because that's how people are here, but do not follow me. I will not go any faster, just because you're riding my bumper. I will kindly go exactly the speed limit.
4. Bad Grammar
Now, I think this has more to do with my line of work and less to do with an actual peeve. I'm not talking about written grammar. (Although, when people misspell curse words it makes me mad. If it has to come into my view, at least do it right.)
I'm talking about native English speakers slaughtering the language.
3. When people ask me if I colored my hair.
I don't know why it bothers me so much, because yes, I color my hair to the color of my roots. I guess I'm sensitive about it.
2. Make up Shaming.
Honestly, I don't see why it should be shameful for girls to wear makeup. I really don't. Granted if they look like Mimi from the Drew Carry Show, or maybe wear as much as Tammy Fae Baker, they might want to tone it down. But it's their make up.
If a girl feels insecure themselves and they want to wear make up because it makes them feel better. Let them. There are days when I feel like I look like something the cat threw up and I want my make. Then there are days when I don't care, and I don't wear any.
No girl should feel badly for wearing makeup. Ever.
1. When people talk to me like I'm a 5 year old.
This will make me angry. I'm not five. I'm not stupid. I'm a fully grown intelligent adult with a fair amount of life experience. It takes all of my Christian self control not to hit someone when they act like that.
It doesn't happen much around girls, but guys have a tendency to treat me like I'm five. I don't like it. At all.

I don't really like this post. It's kind of a rant, rather than a post. So I'll just stop there. 

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