Thursday, October 15, 2015

In Search Of. . . Observations: Thankful Thursday

All right, so what am I thankful for today. I'm thankful for reminders. Not people calling and reminding me, but the small ones that remind you that you're all right. 
Normally, most everything I try to do explodes. 

If you don't believe me, check out the blog posts about my LA Trip. I'm not kidding. That is my life. I struggle with nearly everything, and more often than not I think this blog should be called "I'm an idiot: A saga of how I bumble through life." 
Aside from being a really long title, I occasionally am allowed to do something right. 

I know this is dumb, but I get a lot of validation from my cooking. Probably because I love food. One of my greatest worries is serving something that doesn't taste good. Even if I made the thing a million and one times before, I'm still afraid I'll screw it up some how. 
For example, one year I don't know what my mom and I did, but some how we managed to cook the egg solid in the pumpkin pie. 
I could really write several novels about the way I screw myself up. It's so bad that I don't need any enemies. Sometimes when I double, triple, and quadruple check myself. 

That huge intro to say this. God reminded me last night that not everything is going to go wrong. 
I'm actually kind of proud of this. 
My apple pie won first prize at the church pie contest last night. Granted, I don't think I had very much competition, but still I won. It doesn't seem huge, but it is when everything you try to do goes wrong.
And it's not the huge things that make us proud of ourselves either. It's the tiny little pie contest. 
I know it's a dumb thing to be thankful for, but really. I had no expectations. I don't win; I don't do well. 
God allowed me to see that all the times aren't bad times. I can do things right. 

Anyway, that's my little piece of thankfulness for this Thursday.

As always. 

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