Wednesday, October 7, 2015

In Search Of. . . Starbucks Secret Menu: Caramel Apple

In Search Of. . . Starbucks Secret Menu: Caramel Apple

During the seasonal times I'll try to do a drink a week so I can get most of them in. It just makes it easier.
This week's drink is the caramel apple, which I don't know if it's how I ordered it, but it would have been more aptly names Apple Pie a la Mode. It didn't have bitter crisp bite of  an actual apple, and was kind of sweet.

Order this:
  • Apple Juice to the first line
  • Milk to the second line
  • Add Cinnamon Dolce Syrup 3 pumps (I got two for my grande)
  • Add cream base 3 pumps (Again, 2)
  • Add dark caramel 2 pumps
  • Topped with whipped cream, caramel ribbon crunch, caramel drizzle and cinnamon dolce topping

Like I said, it should be called Apple Pie a la mode. This one was honestly too sweet for me. I liked the caramel flavor, but the milk and the cream base just made it taste like apple juice ice cream, which sound a lot grosser than it is. I loved all the caramel though, but I'm a huge caramel sauce fan. I got a grande and as a good rule of thumb, I always do two pumps for grande, three for venti. No coffee though.

As always, 

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