Monday, October 26, 2015

In Search Of . . . Written words: favorite things about the holidays

Personally, I don't like Halloween. I don't like being afraid or scared, or creepy clowns. 
My favorite thing would be when it's over. 
In it's origin, Halloween falls in line with the Day of the Dead. It's a time when the lines between the dead and the living are blurred. Since that line blurred it made it easier for priests to make predictions. They did a lot of animal sacrifices to their gods and spirits for healthy crops. 
Eventually, the Catholics took it over and made it into their own thing, which is what seemed to happen with every major holiday. 
 And yes, I'm aware of the origin of Christmas trees and whatnot, but that holiday has a completely different origin.

For me, it's the horror that follows Halloween that I can't abide. I find no reason to be scared. Or frightened. Now mind you, I'll watch a Tim Burton movie, and those are usually so absurd that they aren't too horrible. And I don't mind thrillers, but I can't do out right horror, even comical horror. I won't sleep for days. I don't even like seeing the advertisements for the scary things. 

Costumes, as I've said are cool. I have no problem with them. Dressing up and being someone else for a little while is all right. It kind of falls in line with the idea of who do I want to be today when you get ready every morning.

I do however, like the idea of harvests and fall festivals. Something to celebrate the change of season and the beginning of a new season. I mean, harvest is a reason to celebrate. In the old days, we would have been working all warm season long and now it would be time to see the literal fruits of our labor. 
I like the changing when the world is suddenly on this warm fire, that means warm clothes can come out, since I'm always sick of my summer clothes by now. 
Pies suddenly become more acceptable. So does gaining a little winter weight. 
Those are the things I like. 
Halloween, no.
Fall, yes.

As always, 

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