Sunday, December 6, 2015

25 Days of Beauty: DIY Manicure

Here's what you'll need. 

A bowl with warm water
Cotton balls
Nail polish remover
hand scrub
nail file
nail clippers

Step one: 
Remove Nail polish

Step two: 
Soak your hands

Fill the bowl with warm water. 
You can add a hand soak with milk and honey, but I just put oil in the bowl. I actually had my hands in there all the way. Leave it in there for a while. 
I didn't have a set time; I just mostly did it until my ADD kicked in and I got bored. 
The oil is good for softening the cuticles. I'm a regular cuticle pusher so I don't need the kind you buy; I just did it with my fingers.
Once you feel your hands are all nice and soaked, give a little wash. 

Step three:

You can make a simple scrub or buy one. I made one out of coffee, sugar, and oil. No real measurements,  



Step Four: 

I'm a big fan of coconut oil. It's really good for you. 

Step five: 
File/shape nails

I love these little dollar tree guys. They've got six sides that allow you to do your whole nail. 
Once you're done buffing and shaping your nail.

Step Six: 
Base coat

Step 7: Paint and top coat

Annnndd you're done. It's a short way and you can add or remove as many steps as you want, but that's the basic way to give yourself a manicure.

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