Friday, January 8, 2016

5 Money Saving Tips At Home

So in favor of money month, I decided that you may already have a tight budget and saving money is super difficult. There are a few things you can do to lower your actual bills. 
 When you're not using unplug them from the wall entirely. Even when you turn things off, you still use a lot of power, which is sometimes called phantom energy. The only way to actually save money is to unplug it. I personally unplug my microwave, coffee pot, and entertainment center when I'm not using it.

 If you keep your thermostat at a set temperature it won't have to work as hard to either heat or cool the house. Also, another tip is kind of roll with the season. Keep it cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer. I know it sounds a little uncomfortable, but we have a two bedroom apartment and we keep our electric, which includes our heat bill at roughly $50.00.

Now I don't always like to air dry my clothes, but I always dry my shirts and delicate clothes. It saves the clothes and on the electric bill. I'm not saying don't dry any of your clothes, but smaller loads means you can combine and run fewer loads. 

Not eating out is good in more than one way. You save money and you can lose weight. But going a step further can save you even more money. So assume you buy one tv dinner a night at 1.50 a piece, not only will you be consuming a lot of wax, you will only make a dinner for a single night for $10.50 a week. but that's only one meal for one person. For a little more you buy chicken and rice, make multiple meals for multiple people. 
Don't throw away the toothpaste tube until you're sure the last squeeze is out. You can actually purchase things that will help you along. Same goes for shampoo and conditioner. If you get the dollar tree empty carry on bottles and cut open the shampoo and conditioner, you'd be surprised how much more you have in there. 
Also, reuse things. For example, I bought a bunch of shirts from Forever 21, and they shrank nearly right away. Well rather than waste the money and throw them out, I use them for towels. They're gentler on your face and hair than most towels are anyway. 
Also, all the newspaper style adds you get in the mail, you can keep some and use them to wipe up spills rather than paper towels. 
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