Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Dreaded Cheat Day

Ok. The dreaded Cheat Day. 
We all know it's going to happen because life doesn't go according to plan. You go out to dinner here, breakfast there. You're roommate has a birthday so you get cake twice. 

Yeah. Cheat Day's happen. 

And you know what? It's all right to have a cheat day. Some times you're going to have more than one a week. Because life isn't a neat box tied up in a pretty ribbon. Life is... life. It throws curve balls and some times you just want the hamburger, or apple pie with crumble topping. 

So you know what? 
You keep going. A cheat day is going to happen. It doesn't mean that you aren't dieting any more. It really doesn't. It just means you're human and life happens. 

Even though you feel like this. 

Another thing to remember is that just because you have a bad thing for you doesn't mean you're whole day has to be bad. 

Yeah, so today, I was bad. It got chocolate for Valentine's day. I ate it. What else was supposed to do. I tracked it, and felt guilty. I still tried to pay attention to what I ate. But it happened. I was out with friends, and people have this tendency to freak out if you're not eating. Especially older people. They really don't take no for an answer. 

The important part is I'm going to get back up tomorrow and begin again.  

Yeah, I messed up today and yesterday, but that isn't going to stop me. Cheat days happen. You don't always plan them, but the most important thing is to not let the cheat day become a cheat life. 
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