Saturday, April 16, 2016

Finding Time To Workout

If you've been around this blog any length of time, you'll know I talk about loosing weight regularly. It's kind of an obsession? But do I stick to it. Not really. No. 
I'm actually proud of myself for having come this far. Once upon a time, I worked out every day and tried to stay under 1200 calories. I got down to 123 back then, but obviously, now that I'm clocking in at 155+ those days are behind me. 
We all have an ideal weight. For me, that's an athletic 123. I look good at 105, but I'm almost too thin at that point. 
Now, on to my actual point. When I was 123, I'm not kidding I came home worked out, got up at 5 am every day packed my lunch. I felt and looked great, so what's the difference between then and now? 
What's the most common excuse? I don't have time. 

I've used this one a million times before. I just don't have time to exercise. I wait too long, and it's 11 PM and I think it's rude to pound on the ceiling of my downstairs neighbors. 
I take a nap, doodle around, do nothing for hours on end. Or sit in front of the evil TV allowing my brain to rot out. 
There are genuine times when I am too busy and it does get too late, but usually it's just me not making the time. 
What I've found works best is scheduling it, but knowing my schedule. So for example, my job exhausts me so I don't work out every day. (If I did, I'd probably lose weight faster.) I alternate days of working out with days of writing. Sometimes, I'm just not focused enough to write; other days I'm too tired to work out. 
Like I say, you have find what works for you. but you have to do it. You have the amount of time you make. 

As always,
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