Monday, May 9, 2016

Even More Yoga Routines--Butt

Ok, so there are actually 6 of these routines, counting the ones I've already posted. When I was doing these regularly, I would do targeted work out for butt, back, arms legs, core, and then a full body with a rest/cardio day. 
So, we've got three more of these. I hope you're enjoying them and finding them useful. 

Begin with Downward Facing Dog. To achieve this position get on your hands and knees and square them up with your shoulders and hips. Straighten your arms and it should give you that good shape. Go into Three Legged Dog by raising one legs. Stand up and go into step Warrior 1 one leg forward bending at the knee and step the other leg back. Bring your arms up over your head and press your palms together. Look up at the ceiling. 
Arching Warrior. From Warrior 1, clasp your hands behind your back and arch your back. From there lean forward and go into Humble Warrior. Straighten back into Warrior 1 pose. For Extended Twisted Warrior Rest your elbow on the matching knee and wrap the opposite hand around the back grabbing your thigh. Look over the opposite shoulder. 
Burning Low Lunge. Keeping your legs in warrior pose, bend down and hook your shoulder under the matching knee. Either grab your ankle with both hands or hook your hands in front of your angle. 
Next comes the Fierce. I know that it's not in that order on the picture, but it makes it easier. Stand up in Mountain pose, with legs and feet together. Bring your arms up over your head until your palms touch. Look up toward the ceiling and bend your knees. 
Eagle. Stand up in to mountain pose. Sink down into fierce. Hook one elbow on top of the others and and twist the arms allowing the palms to touch. Cross your legs, trying to hook your foot on the back of your leg. 
Unwind. Standing in Mountain pose, balance on one foot, lifting the other leg up holding your arms forward for the Warrior 3. Doing the same thing again, hook one elbow on the other, twisting your arms till the palms touch for Warrior Eagle
Begin Half Moon by balancing on one foot and leaning forward until you have the same hand on the floor. Raise the opposite leg and hand in the air and look up towards the ceiling.
Stand back up into Mountain pose. Step your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees. Bring your arms out to and bend at the elbow for Mini Goddess.
Straightening your knees, complete the Standing Forward Bend by bending at the waist and grabbing your big toe. (Yes, another out of sequence one.)

Now begin the ones that really require balance. (which I have none of.)
Start with Dancer. Balance your weight on one leg and lift the other one behind you, bending the lifted knee. Grab that foot with the matching hand and then lean forward bringing the opposite hand in front of you. Bend your elbow slightly and make an "O" with your fingers. 
Let go of your foot and slowly swing it forward. Grabbing your big Toe, raise your leg into the air as high as possible. (For me, I don't have that much strength or balance, so I would rest my foot on something high.) This completes Standing Hand to Big Toe A. 
Bring your leg down if you're using a prop and then bring it out to the side for Standing hand to Big Toe B. Lower the leg and bring it forward for Hand to Big Toe D. 
To do Extended Standing Straddle, stand with your legs wide apart, bend at the waist with your arms extended forward. Transition into Wide Legged Forward Bend, by clasping your hands behind your back and bending your head down to the ground. Wide Legged Split put your legs wide part laying your head down on the ground. You don't have to put your legs flat to the ground, so this is good for those of us who can't do splits. Keep your arms under your legs. 
Come back up. Keeping your feet shoulder width apart do the Low Squat by bending your knees and stretching your arms out in front of you. 
You can shift into the Wide Squat by sitting back but still hovering off the ground. Press your hands together in front of your chest. 
Stand up and step your feet wide apart, pointing your toes outward. Bend at the knees and sink down. Bring your arms out to the side and bend at the knees. 
Locust and Extended Locust are similar. Laying on your stomach, for locust, place your hand palms up next to your body and raise your legs and chest off the ground. For extended locust, still on your stomach, raise your hand in front of you and lift them off the ground for more extension. 
Now, flip over and sit down. To begin Intense East, place your palms flat on the ground with your fingers pointed towards your feet. Stretch your legs out in front of you and arch your body up. 
Extended Table Top. Sit on the floor and place one hand behind you. Bend your knees and lift your body up keeping one hand stretched out beside your head. 
It may take a little while to work up to this one, but lay on your back to begin  One Legged headstand wheel. Place your hands by your head flat on the ground and keep your feet flat on the ground. Arch your body up and move your hands behind your head for support. As you build up strength, raise your leg in the air. 
Time for a Cool Down. Lay on your back, and just relax the muscles. 

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