Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Yoga Routine

Like I said before, I'm not a professional trainer, but I try to find things that I like and in my adventures I happened upon some yoga exercise on sugar pop that seemed like they would work. 

So I decided to put my own routines together based on what I saw in the articles from sugar pop. With these, mind you, I would add some weight training, but I'm not going to put those in here right now. 


Begin with the Sun Salutation. Repeat the sequence five times. 
Everything else will be done in counts of 10. So either five to a side or 10 counts if you're working both sides. Personally, I do each stretch on both sides before moving on or I'll forget. 

On your hands and knees go into the quarter dog by resting your elbows down on the ground. 
From Quarter Dog, come up from your elbows and hold your arms straight. After a ten count, lift one leg into the air for three legged Dog. Arch your back and bend your knee pushing your head and foot towards each other. From there, drop your legs into push up position and bring your knee forward. 
For the one-legged four limb staff lay on your stomach and then hold lift your weight on your hands, bending your elbows. Rest your wait on one foot and raise the other up. 

For the next one go into a side plank position, keep one foot flat on the floor, bending slightly at the knee  and raise the foot and the arm up into the air. You can drop the leg in the air down into the extended the table top holding one arm out by your ear. Do both sides. 

I'll be putting up other ones, but for the sake of length. And know that you will see some repeats, just because toning like this works all the muscles, not just the ones. 

As always,

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