Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May Goals and photo dump!

Wow... where did April go? I mean it was here one second and then gone the next.

Did this month blow past for anyone else?

I stayed busy between work and trying to have a life. Honestly, it was chaotic, but fun. Don't think I'd like a month like this every month.

So, let's see how we did in April. Just as a refresher, here are my April Goals.

Blog Goals
Post once a week.
Add cooking to the blog.  

Life Goals
Keep up with the chore chart.  
Only buy coffee two times a week. 
(It doesn't help Dunkin Donuts is 7 minutes away from work.)

Health Goals
Go to the gym five times a week. 
Prep two meals a week. 

Well then, I did all right in the Blog Goals section. I posted once a week and added cooking. To see my first cooking post, look here

Life Goals
Well, I did not keep up with the chore chart. It was pretty sad actually. One day I'll find a circadian rhythm that is actually conducive to humaning.... Until then, I'll muddle through. 
I made the Coffee goals. Knowing that I would have to report back to you all, whoever you all are, held me slightly more accountable. 

Health Goals
I did not go the gym 5x a week. I don't know what happened. I think I got sick, and then it's gotten hotter lately, which makes it hard to be motivated. Maybe this month I'll back it down to three times.
And I may not have meal prepped twice a week, but I did it more often than not, which is an improvement. 

Now time for 
May Goals

Blog Goals
Continue to post once a week. (Gotta do it for more than one month, so it becomes habit.)
I think that's my only blog goal this month. 

Life Goals
Keep up with the stupid chore chart. I made it for a reason.... 
Find a place to live. (I'm not homeless, just moving.)
Save up more money for a huge vacation to China!
Stop eating out as much as possible. 
Write 30 minutes once a week. 

Health Goals. 
Make it to 145 lbs by the end of the month. 
Go to the gym three times a week. (Which shouldn't be hard, I attend three classes a week.)
Up my running interval on the treadmill to 6 minute spurts with 5 minute walks. 

Well, since this has been a text heavy post, I'll show you guys some pictures of what I've been up to. 

Camping (What's a freezing cold camping trip with out a poodle dog?)

Israel at the ruins of Bet Sha'an


Ethiopian coffee

A Dramatic Production for the MS foundation LUNA

Cirque Du Soleil's Ovo 
The dragonfly was my favorite!

More Hiking Pictures!

As always, 

Here's to hoping we find what we're searching for. 

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