Thursday, February 25, 2016

Homemade Kombucha

One of the things I like to do when I'm being healthy is make my own Kombucha. If you don't know what that is I'll, give you a fast run down. 

You start with a SCOBY, a Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria or Yeast. Pour Some tea in. Add some sugar, and then let it ferment.
Sounds kind of gross, and looks kind of gross, but I’ve actually named mine. Her name is Phillipa. (In my mind, they’re all girls, because they make babies.)
As for why it’s healthy.
Kombucha is said to be high in probiotics and vitamin B. While we can’t confirm this, as Kombucha is not FDA approved, it does make me feel better and gives me more energy.
Disclaimer: Kombucha is a fermented drink, but it is non-alcoholic depending on how long you ferment it. You can’t get drunk from it, but as they say work out your own salvation on that one.

So, you can make your own Kombucha at home. It's really easy.  

You can buy a SCOBY from the internet, or you can get a bottle of original/natural Kombucha from the store. It just takes longer if you buy it, because you have to wait for the SCOBY to get large enough to produce.

For making the Kombucha, you need to make sure everything you use is glass, metal, or wooden. Plastic is porous and the Kombucha can soak up whatever toxins the plastics has in it.

So, for the things you'll need a jar for the Kombucha.
·        SCOBY 
·        Tea—I have used both green and black tea.
·        Sugar—Organic is supposed to better, but I use regular.
·        Distilled water. 
·        Bottles—I use old Synergy Kombucha Bottles
·        Vinegar
·        Thin piece of fabric or cheese cloth.

First, wash everything with the vinegar.
Boil the distilled water. I use a metal tea kettle. You can see it in the back. 

Next, make tea. Proper way to make tea, bring it to a boil. Let it cool and then add the tea.  Add the sugar at this point too.

Let the tea cool completely. 

Add it to the jar that already has the Kombucha SCOBY.
I have a siphon that I use to do it because ladling is annoying and messy. This actually goes pretty quickly with the siphon. Also, if you're pouring it in, you should move the Kombucha SCOBY. You don’t want to damage it 

Use the cheese cloth or fabric. I cut up old thread-bare pillow cases in the name of economy. This allows oxygen to get into the tea solution, but usually prevents flies from getting in.
There you can see Phillipa

The fermentation process takes roughly one week.
Also, note, that if you're making the Kombucha for the first time or it's been dormant for a long time, you'll need to make a batch and the pour it out. I know it sounds wasteful, but you have to let the SCOBY “wake up”. 
And don't ever let the tea run out so much that it doesn't cover your Kombucha. If it does, then it will shrivel and die.

At the end of a week, you can get a pH tester and test the balance. It’s should be about 3.2—2.8 for safe consumption. I did this until I felt comfortable going by taste.
If you let it ferment to long, it will turn to vinegar.  It will also turn to vinegar if the room is too hot.
Last, pour it into bottles and stick them in the fridge or the fermentation process will continue. 
You'll notice that your SCOBY replicates too. You can leave those or take them out. It's not a big deal either way. If you put them in the fridge though, the will go dormant.

And bonus info:

You can use SCOBY's in your beauty routine. It will give you a great facial exfoliation, if you want to rub it on your skin. If you’re not too emotionally attached to it, you can blend it up and add different things to make creams.

That is how you make Kombucha at home, and save yourself the $4.00 a day. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Dreaded Cheat Day

Ok. The dreaded Cheat Day. 
We all know it's going to happen because life doesn't go according to plan. You go out to dinner here, breakfast there. You're roommate has a birthday so you get cake twice. 

Yeah. Cheat Day's happen. 

And you know what? It's all right to have a cheat day. Some times you're going to have more than one a week. Because life isn't a neat box tied up in a pretty ribbon. Life is... life. It throws curve balls and some times you just want the hamburger, or apple pie with crumble topping. 

So you know what? 
You keep going. A cheat day is going to happen. It doesn't mean that you aren't dieting any more. It really doesn't. It just means you're human and life happens. 

Even though you feel like this. 

Another thing to remember is that just because you have a bad thing for you doesn't mean you're whole day has to be bad. 

Yeah, so today, I was bad. It got chocolate for Valentine's day. I ate it. What else was supposed to do. I tracked it, and felt guilty. I still tried to pay attention to what I ate. But it happened. I was out with friends, and people have this tendency to freak out if you're not eating. Especially older people. They really don't take no for an answer. 

The important part is I'm going to get back up tomorrow and begin again.  

Yeah, I messed up today and yesterday, but that isn't going to stop me. Cheat days happen. You don't always plan them, but the most important thing is to not let the cheat day become a cheat life. 
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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Blending and Calorie Counting

Sorry I didn't do a Tuesday post; I haven't been feeling well this week and basically crashed on Tuesday. Even this one is going to be late because I'm just that tired. 

So, I thought I wanted to do blends, mostly because I don't have a juicer. I looked up a few recipes and decided to make them. Here's the website. I had about 8 recipes, and in my experience each one makes roughly two drinks. And don't, I repeat, don't add chocolate protein powder. It makes it taste gross. 

Here are a few of the ones I've made so far. 

Popeye Special
This one was pretty good. 

Citrus Zinger
I liked this one. It was like pulpy orange juice

Snake Bite.  
This is the one I added the chocolate protien powder too. I couldn't really get past the color. It had mostly carrots in it. I tried it, but it was nasty. 
I made the green machine, but added spinach to it because I didn't have enough kale and I didn't want to buy any more. I liked this one the best it didn't really have a whole lot of taste though. 
Now, I've found that I can't juice all day. I get really hangry if I don't put some protien and sugar into my system. It's really horrible. It really is. 
The blending helps me at work where snacks are fatty and readily available. I know you all know I don't believe in restriction dieting, so the blending is more to help and jumps tart my weight loss. I decided to still eat regularly but keep track of my eating habits. 
This too makes me more aware for what I'm eating. Because it's super easy to eat half a box of Cheeze-its in one sitting before I know it. So I use an app on my phone. I tried a few of them, but I prefer my fitness pal. They don't allow you to fully customize it, but it's easy to use, and it has the widest variety of food and exercises.

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Thursday, February 4, 2016

First Work Out of the Month

So, this isn't a work how to, or anything practical per se, I just thought I would share my first work out experience of the month with you. 
So.... I have the Brazilian Butt lift videos, and I've done them off and on for a year or so, but I haven't done them in a really long time. For fitness month, I decided I want to work out 3 times a week. This way I can make it work with my schedule. So, it comes with a program chart that helps you map out which exercise routine you do on which day. 

I'm pretty sure I died--several times. 

Today was the Tummy Tuck and Bum Bum videos, which I swear to cow were going to be the death of me. But honestly, I enjoy it. I feel better for it. It's like I was actually doing something to improve myself. I mean I got up and will have completed my to do list. 

Not counting the near asthma attacks, (not really), it was an amazing wake up call to see exactly where I am, and know where I'm going. 

There's a funny thought for you. 


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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February Goals

So, February is health and fitness month I'm going to carry over some goals from January. For example, still saving for Israel and continuing to budget, which I'll do a three month check in for that. This month, however, I want to focus more on the things we do to be healthy. 

My lifestyle lately has lead me to be a Fatty Lumpkin
Except, less majestic. 
So, I'm going to do something to change that.
Now, you can read any of prior blog posts to realize that I don't believe in dieting for long term events, and I really don't believe in crash dieting. Now before anyone gets up in arms, I'm doing this because I want to. If you're happy with your body, then you don't. I'm not so there. 
I don't imagine myself to be fat or ugly or anything; I just want to be the best me I can. 

So, February Fitness Goals

1. Limit myself to two sodas a week
2. Drink more water

3. Work out twice a week, at least. 
4. Try to limit my sweet intake.
 (Yes, I know this one isn't specific, but I'm not sure I how I'll do it.)
5. Reach 150 lbs. by the end of the month. (Current weight 158.)
6. Save for Israel
7. Write 100 words of a novel
8.Submit a freelancing proposal

Anyway, that's my January Goals. See you all on Thursday. 

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