Friday, April 22, 2016

Eating Habits

Oh man. I hate talking about eating habits, because then I have to examine my own, which aren't too pretty. 
Unfortunately, for my life examining your eating habits is crucial to weight loss. 
Now, I don't know if any of you remember the Jenny Craig commercial. 
If you're happy and you know it, eat a snack. 
If you're sad and you know it, eat a snack.
Yeah. That's me. 
Or if you're bored and you know it eat a snack. 
So examining my eat habits is terrifying. I can sit down and literally eat like two boxes of Cheeze-its and then eat dinner, and then have a snack. Yeah, I'm that person. 
That's me. 

But, honestly, you need to look at what you eat. That is a major part of loosing weight, and just in general being more healthy. 

Here are a few things I've found help me be aware of what I'm eating. 

Asking myself, am I hungry? 
I'm a bored, emotional, social eater. Basically, if you can use it as an excuse to eat, I use it. A lot of the time, I'm bored. Mindlessly watching tv, eating food, which is the worse, but because I feel like I need to eat something simply because I've trained myself that tv is the place to eat. 

Ok, one way to remedy this... don't watch as much tv. 
But on days I end up at my dad's house and there's junk food and tv galore I usually ramp up my snack intake. The thing I've started doing is drinking water., simply so I have the sensation of putting something in my mouth. Sure, it's substitution method, but it works for me. If I drink the water I don't eat the food. 
Another thing I do is count my calories. I use the my fitness pal app and count the calories. It really makes me aware of what I'm putting in my body. I don't believe in denying myself, but seeing something and then knowing I have so many calories left it makes me wonder if I want to waste my calories on it. 
Sometimes, the simple fact of being aware amps up what I do and don't eat. Along with this don't drink your calories. 
Have you ever thought about how many calories are in a soda. My two sodas a week thing hasn't worked as well this month. It's been a long month. But honestly, drinks count. 

Last thing is know your week points. That will help you avoid them. Where I work, there's a plethora of food, and most if it's fatty and sweet. At first, I had a problem with grazing at the food all day. And I still do, but not as much. I knew it was a problem area, so I took what control I did have and had the food choices be more healthy. Or I learned to say no to it. 

Now the problem is home. When I get home, I eat food non-stop. I get really horrible fast food cravings too. I know that on certain nights, I'm going eat out.  Those are the hard nights. 
 Those are the hard nights. But I overcome them some how, and some times I don’t. Personalty, food guilt is the worse guilt of all. 
I know we all struggle with it. I hope this helps you in some way. 

Here's a few more motivational posters for you to look at. 

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