Thursday, April 14, 2016

Yoga VS Aerobic Exercise

Now, I'm not a personal trainer. I can only speak to the research I've found, personally. Also, the things I've experienced for myself. 
 I'll get this out of the way. On a personal level, I enjoy yoga, but I have to team it up with aerobics to see any true changes in my body. I do know that when I did yoga I did build a lot of strength. I went from not being able to do the back bend at all to being able to hold it for a ten count. 

So despite the meditation aspect of yoga that some people employ, exercise in general improves your outlook. Elle said it best.

Now into the comparison. 

So calories burned? Aerobics does it best. Yoga does burn calories, but you're most likely going to burn more doing a hard aerobic exercise. Now, if any of you care, there are hot yoga and Vinyasa that burn a lot of calories, but still Aerobics is going to burn more in general. That goes with fat as well. Aerobics vs Yoga in calories and fat burned
Point to Aerobics. 

Just because aerobics burns more calories doesn't mean it's better for your muscles. Sure if you're doing weight lifting, you'll gain muscle, but aerobics and yoga. Yoga trains your muscles better. 
  Aerobics can't help you do that. 
Aerobics vs Yoga in strength
Point to Yoga

So cardiac benefits do go to aerobics. It hasn't been proven that yoga has cardiac benefits. Now the stretching of yoga is better for realigning and relaxing muscles.

Again, I like a mix of both. 
If you've got problems, like a bad knee I would recommend starting with yoga until you get strength built up. I mean if doing things like Brazilian Butt Lift are too intense, yoga is a great place. Like I said, I actually enjoy a mix of both. Yoga feels great on my tight muscles and sometimes I'm too tired to do hard core exercise  

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