Thursday, June 25, 2015

In Search Of. . . Starbucks Secret Menu: Butter Pecan Ice Cream

In Search Of.  . . Starbucks Secret Menu: Butter Pecan Ice Cream
For the sake of future reference, I'm going to drop this to a bi-weekly thing until I can get the coffee budget under control. lol. DRINK ALL THE COFFEES!
Anyway, yesterday's flavor was the butter pecan ice cream, which just so happens to be one of my favorite ice cream flavor. A good butter pecan ice cream with a little milk poured over it. Yum. So when I saw this one I wanted to try obviously.

Look at all the prettiness. Not a lick of coffee either. Joy. X_x
But still good.

All right, so to have the butter pecan ice cream frapp
Ask for:

  • Half hazelnut and half vanilla bean
  • Blend in whipping cream instead of whole milk
  • Add hazelnut syrup.
I really liked this one. Too it's great for people who want Starbucks but don't coffee or don't like it. The unfortunate part of it is the whipped cream instead of milk. I don't like whipped cream that much. It leaves a greasy feeling in my mouth. All whipped cream does.
So it's pretty good.

As always,

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

In Search Of. . . Starbucks Secret Menu: Snickers

In Search Of. . . Starbucks Secret Menu: Snickers

I'm going to have to start learning to make these things at home. lol I actually started doing this thing call shopkicks to win a Starbucks card. Yay me.


So the snickers bar, happens to be one of my favorite candy bars, so it stands to reason that I was going to have the snickers frappe.

:D Yum!

I even got myself some banana nut bread to go with it. (It'd been a long weekend.)

So order:
  • a java chip frappuccino
  • 1-3 pumps of toffee nut syrup
  • and caramel and chocolate drizzle.  

I think this is a good one. I would order it a second time, but mostly because I like toffee. I had 3 pumps of the toffee in there. It was really strong, but once it settled it really tasted snickers like. I think with out peanut flavor it's hard to get an actual Snickers bar taste. I have no complaints about this one; in fact, I think it's one of my favorites.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

In Search Of. . . Something New: Starbucks Secret Menu Oreo

In Search Of. . . Something New: Starbucks Secret Menu Oreo
Yes, I'm well aware of it being Thursday, and not Wednesday. I had the drink yesterday, if that counts for anything.
As I'm getting these drinks, I'm finding that not everything is available when I want it, which almost makes me want to learn how to make everything at home. Wouldn't that be quite the adventure. Apparently, peanut butter is seasonal. Why is entirely beyond me, but that's all right we can have an Oreo instead of a buckeye.
This is my Oreo drink.

Appreciate this picture.
I looked like a dofus walking around looking for the right lighting at the Starbucks because I didn't want to have another truck picture. lol.
All right, so you will order:
  •  A double chocolate chip frappucino
  • Blend in white mocha sauce instead of regular mocha.
  • top with either chocolate or regular whipped cream (I got regular obviously)
  • Chocolate drizzle
This one actually tasted like an Oreo. I was pleasantly surprised. I think I tasted more Oreo creme than chocolate which is fine with me. I'm the person who only eats the creme and leaves the cookies in the tray.
I liked this one a lot. I wouldn't get it all the time, but it's really good.
As always,

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

In Search Of. . . Observations: To Read or Not To Read

In Search Of. . . Observations: To Read or Not To Read
I know I always go on about the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge, but I do want to take a moment and say, I don't endorse a lot of the books on there. I try to let people know if I've read a particularly horrible book, but I don't always keep up with that.
If any of you are taking on the Challenge, I would want you to know that, some of these books shouldn't be read by people of certain ages; other's shouldn't be read at all. It's not a matter of quality either. It's a matter of content. There are plenty of books that are poor quality that have all right content. Others of them are well-written, but the content prevents it from being a recommendable book.
I can only give my opinion of the books. I'm not you. I can't say don't read this book because of such and such. You're the one who knows your own standards, and has to live with your conscience.

To help you be more aware of the content of the books, I will put ratings with them. I'll be going by movie ratings. Some of you may say that's not really a lot of help. No, it may not be the most accurate thing, but it will help some.

When selecting a book, especially if you're still forming your own thoughts, you should be aware of what it puts in your mind. It stays with you forever and influences you in some way. It may not feel like it's there, but it is. Even if you're older you should still be aware of that. The things you read may make you aware of the thoughts of an people or era, or change you view of something entirely.
It's always good to have a standard when you're reading and evaluating what you read.
Just remember, Good books don't necessiarly mean good content. No matter what you read, good or bad, it will influence you in some way.
As Always,

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

In Search Of. . . Starbucks Secret Menu: Pixi Stick

In Search Of. . . Starbucks Secret Menu: Pixi Stick

Now it comes time for my favorite part of the week... the Starbucks Secret Menu.

I went back to refreshers, because it's now officially to hot to be alive. As much as I complained about the overcast weather, I wish it back again. While the rest of the world is getting rain, we here in the South West get 103 degree weather.

Anyway, I think for the rest of the summer, I'll be doing frappe and iced drinks.

Today, we bring you the Pixi Stick.

Here it is

Oh, look, another truck picture... but this is a different truck. Not my Bondo.

To get this you need

  • Order half passion tea, half Valencia orange refresher
  • No water
  • No orange slices
  • 2 to 3 Pumps of Classic syrup. I got 3.
  • 1 to 3 Pumps of Raspberry (I got one because Raspberry it's such a strong flavor.)

This one tastes like an actual pixi stick. It gives you that weird feeling in the back of your jaw. I recommend only one pump. Well, actually, the Barista said that, so she would know. I'm glad she told me though because it would have been too sour for it.

As far as the Pixi Stick is concerned, I would give it a thumbs up. It's really nice and refreshing.

As always,