Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#writeawayjune: Day 7: The Modern Author You Enjoy Reading

Day 7: The Modern Author You Enjoy Reading

Michael Crichton, author of novels like the 13th Warrior, Timeline, Congo, Jurassic Park, and Lost World. 
When this prompt came up I had to think of the person I collect. My goal is to have a complete collection, which won't happen if they keep releasing his books. I'm talking about his novel Dragon Teeth, released after his death. 
Crichton has a way of adding a believable amount of science to his work. I mean I honestly thought they had found a way to genetically engineer dinosaurs or time travel when I read his novels. 
I think that's why I enjoy his writing. It kind of takes some insane things and makes them sound scientifically plausible. 

#writeawayjune Day 6: Who Inspires You

Day 6: Who Inspires Me.

This one took me a little while to decide who inspires me most when it comes to writing. No one really jumped to mind. After a little thinking, I remember being very young And thinking I wanted to be like CS Lewis.

As a side note, this was actually done last night, but my phone wouldn't allow me to add the image, which frustrated me of course.

Monday, June 5, 2017

#writeawayjune Day 5: Favorite Literary Character

Day 5: Favorite Literary Character

Wow, look at me being all preemptive! Revel this happens, but rarely.
Anyway, today's theme is your favorite literary character, which is hard to do. Do I pick the ones from the books I love... no I had to ask myself who do I enjoy reading? What character do I enjoy listening tell me stories...

The answer to that is Harry Dresden. Wizard

Part of what I love about Harry, from the Dresden Files written by Jim Butcher, is his wry, sarcastic humor. That and he always tries to do the right thing. I feel like in this world of anti-heroes and characters who are out for number one, it's nice to find one who tries to do right.
I've found myself buying the series and reading it more than once, which rarely happens for me.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

#WriteAwayJune Day 3 and Day 4

It's going to kill my OCD that there aren't the exact number of posts for this month to have one post a day. I really need to get on it. But Anyway, here we are... Day 3 an Day 4.

In case you don't know what I'm talking about, my friend came up with a 30 day writing challenge to get our writer juices flowing. If you want to see her take on this challenge, check out her Instagram.

Anyway, on to the challenge.

Day 3: A Book Written by an Unknown Author

This is the first in a series of stories. It's a new take on Alice in Wonderland, and actually one of the most original I've seen in a long time. Normally, people get stuck on the hyper sexualization of Alice in Wonderland, why I'm not sure, but this is more action/adventure. It does have a touch of romance. It probably qualifies as a young adult book. Meh, who's to define what a young adult is? It's a good read, as are the second and third books. If you want to read it for yourself go here

Day 4: My Writing Space

is really anywhere I am at the moment. Generally I write either in bed or on my table. But as long as I can turn on some background music and have inspiration, I can write anywhere.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

June Goals and the #writeawayjune Challenge

All right then, we're back at this!

(Notice the superfluous use of the exclamation point. Generally, I hate exclamation points, but on occasion... anyway...)

So, let's see how May Goals went...
May Goals
Blog Goals
Continue to post once a week. (Gotta do it for more than one month, so it becomes habit.)
I think that's my only blog goal this month. 
Life Goals
Keep up with the stupid chore chart. I made it for a reason.... 
Find a place to live. (I'm not homeless, just moving.)
Save up more money for a huge vacation to China!
Stop eating out as much as possible. 
Write 30 minutes once a week. 
Health Goals. 
Make it to 145 lbs by the end of the month. 
Go to the gym three times a week. (Which shouldn't be hard, I attend three classes a week.)
Up my running interval on the treadmill to 6 minute spurts with 5 minute walks. 
So yeah... May Goals... not so much. 
I didn't write once a week. I tried, but failed like in the second week of May.  I'm still in the same apartment I was before. 
And I didn't keep up with the chore chart. 
I was almost at my weekly gym goal, but my little brother got married so I missed all last week. Ah well. 

See, I was a bridesmaid. 

Because I'm going to do the #writeawayjune challenge, I'm not going to do my monthly goals. That will be my one goal. And as I am two days behind, I'll post the first two challenges here. 

Day 1: A Picture that inspires a story and Brainstorm with it. 

A orange sun sets on a hot, desolate, fallen world. This is life after the event. Only handful survived, barely enough to actually rebuild. The protagonist stands in one of the many empty sky scrappers towering over his desolate home. In the distance he can see what looks like bodies on a machine. Necessary death, he had to do it. Living with that guilt, he must work to rebuild what he destroyed.

Day 2: Your favorite Character to write about
I don't have any pictures for this one, which is just as well. My favorite character to write about is Zariel Harcos. She's one of the main characters in a novel series I've been working on. 

Standing 5'4" she was tiny, her heart shaped face set hard against the world and everything in it.  Large, light green eyes regarded the room, searching each posture and pose. She preferred it that way. Only those who knew her really well could induce any useful conversation beyond thinly veiled disdain. She didn't revel in their discomfort, but that hard militant edge made them feel like she was judging their every move. 
People only spoke to her when absolutely necessary, and unfortunately for her, this business meeting was absolutely necessary. 
She moved nearer to her brother, the more well received of the Harocs siblings; although, none of them were overly well received. Something about them made people uncomfortable. 

Anyway, those are days 1 and 2. I'll post three later, but I didn't want this to be a super text heavy (not that it isn't already) post. Enjoy!