Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#writeawayjune: Day 7: The Modern Author You Enjoy Reading

Day 7: The Modern Author You Enjoy Reading

Michael Crichton, author of novels like the 13th Warrior, Timeline, Congo, Jurassic Park, and Lost World. 
When this prompt came up I had to think of the person I collect. My goal is to have a complete collection, which won't happen if they keep releasing his books. I'm talking about his novel Dragon Teeth, released after his death. 
Crichton has a way of adding a believable amount of science to his work. I mean I honestly thought they had found a way to genetically engineer dinosaurs or time travel when I read his novels. 
I think that's why I enjoy his writing. It kind of takes some insane things and makes them sound scientifically plausible. 

#writeawayjune Day 6: Who Inspires You

Day 6: Who Inspires Me.

This one took me a little while to decide who inspires me most when it comes to writing. No one really jumped to mind. After a little thinking, I remember being very young And thinking I wanted to be like CS Lewis.

As a side note, this was actually done last night, but my phone wouldn't allow me to add the image, which frustrated me of course.

Monday, June 5, 2017

#writeawayjune Day 5: Favorite Literary Character

Day 5: Favorite Literary Character

Wow, look at me being all preemptive! Revel this happens, but rarely.
Anyway, today's theme is your favorite literary character, which is hard to do. Do I pick the ones from the books I love... no I had to ask myself who do I enjoy reading? What character do I enjoy listening tell me stories...

The answer to that is Harry Dresden. Wizard

Part of what I love about Harry, from the Dresden Files written by Jim Butcher, is his wry, sarcastic humor. That and he always tries to do the right thing. I feel like in this world of anti-heroes and characters who are out for number one, it's nice to find one who tries to do right.
I've found myself buying the series and reading it more than once, which rarely happens for me.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

#WriteAwayJune Day 3 and Day 4

It's going to kill my OCD that there aren't the exact number of posts for this month to have one post a day. I really need to get on it. But Anyway, here we are... Day 3 an Day 4.

In case you don't know what I'm talking about, my friend came up with a 30 day writing challenge to get our writer juices flowing. If you want to see her take on this challenge, check out her Instagram.

Anyway, on to the challenge.

Day 3: A Book Written by an Unknown Author

This is the first in a series of stories. It's a new take on Alice in Wonderland, and actually one of the most original I've seen in a long time. Normally, people get stuck on the hyper sexualization of Alice in Wonderland, why I'm not sure, but this is more action/adventure. It does have a touch of romance. It probably qualifies as a young adult book. Meh, who's to define what a young adult is? It's a good read, as are the second and third books. If you want to read it for yourself go here

Day 4: My Writing Space

is really anywhere I am at the moment. Generally I write either in bed or on my table. But as long as I can turn on some background music and have inspiration, I can write anywhere.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

June Goals and the #writeawayjune Challenge

All right then, we're back at this!

(Notice the superfluous use of the exclamation point. Generally, I hate exclamation points, but on occasion... anyway...)

So, let's see how May Goals went...
May Goals
Blog Goals
Continue to post once a week. (Gotta do it for more than one month, so it becomes habit.)
I think that's my only blog goal this month. 
Life Goals
Keep up with the stupid chore chart. I made it for a reason.... 
Find a place to live. (I'm not homeless, just moving.)
Save up more money for a huge vacation to China!
Stop eating out as much as possible. 
Write 30 minutes once a week. 
Health Goals. 
Make it to 145 lbs by the end of the month. 
Go to the gym three times a week. (Which shouldn't be hard, I attend three classes a week.)
Up my running interval on the treadmill to 6 minute spurts with 5 minute walks. 
So yeah... May Goals... not so much. 
I didn't write once a week. I tried, but failed like in the second week of May.  I'm still in the same apartment I was before. 
And I didn't keep up with the chore chart. 
I was almost at my weekly gym goal, but my little brother got married so I missed all last week. Ah well. 

See, I was a bridesmaid. 

Because I'm going to do the #writeawayjune challenge, I'm not going to do my monthly goals. That will be my one goal. And as I am two days behind, I'll post the first two challenges here. 

Day 1: A Picture that inspires a story and Brainstorm with it. 

A orange sun sets on a hot, desolate, fallen world. This is life after the event. Only handful survived, barely enough to actually rebuild. The protagonist stands in one of the many empty sky scrappers towering over his desolate home. In the distance he can see what looks like bodies on a machine. Necessary death, he had to do it. Living with that guilt, he must work to rebuild what he destroyed.

Day 2: Your favorite Character to write about
I don't have any pictures for this one, which is just as well. My favorite character to write about is Zariel Harcos. She's one of the main characters in a novel series I've been working on. 

Standing 5'4" she was tiny, her heart shaped face set hard against the world and everything in it.  Large, light green eyes regarded the room, searching each posture and pose. She preferred it that way. Only those who knew her really well could induce any useful conversation beyond thinly veiled disdain. She didn't revel in their discomfort, but that hard militant edge made them feel like she was judging their every move. 
People only spoke to her when absolutely necessary, and unfortunately for her, this business meeting was absolutely necessary. 
She moved nearer to her brother, the more well received of the Harocs siblings; although, none of them were overly well received. Something about them made people uncomfortable. 

Anyway, those are days 1 and 2. I'll post three later, but I didn't want this to be a super text heavy (not that it isn't already) post. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Book Review: The Martian

"Well beggars can't be choosers. Three's Company it is." 

The Martian by Andy Weir depicts one man's lone fight to survive the most hostile odds against all odds. 

The story is told mostly from the logs of stranded astronaut, Mark Watney, as he fights to survive on Mars after a freak accident leaves him stranded. Intermittently, we see blips from both the people of earth and Watney’s crewmates as they desperately seek to save him. 
Watney must use his botany, engineering skills, and just simple ingenuity to devise ways to live in complete isolation on a planet literally not fit for human survival. He does it with the best of attitudes, humoring himself with his logs, and old 70's TV, despite his dire circumstances.
After discovering he's alive, the entire world watches in horrified wonder as the brilliant minds at NASA race to save Mark. 

Personally, I enjoyed The Martian. It explores a man's ingenuity and the culture that bands us together, forgetting budgets, fame, and even our own safety to rescue a fellow man. It is a more modern take on Robinson Caruso told with sarcasm and wit. The story moves quickly enough to keep you interested. It isn't weighed down with super scientific information, which considering the subject matter, it could have been. The switch between Mark's point of view, what's happening on earth, and the occasional third person narrator gives a 360 degree view of everything allowing the reader to really immerse himself in the story. 
I would rate it PG-13 for language, but nothing else.  It's a great story I would recommend it for anyone looking to go on an amazing adventure. 

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Peanut Butter Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting and Chocolate Ganache

So the other day we were having a bake sale at work. Normally, I'll make some cornbread muffins and call it a day, but this time I thought I'd do something a little more fancy. 
A while back, I tried this recipe out for the very first time, and they turned out pretty well. So I decided to give it another go, now that I'm so much older and wiser. 
So here you have it. Peanut Butter cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting and a Chocolate Ganache. 

Peanut Butter Cupcake Recipe

1 cup Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp salt
pinch of cinnamon 
3/4 stick of butter at room temp
1 cup Peanut Butter
1 cup Brown Sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 Egg
1/2 cup milk

Preheat the oven to 350, and either grease or line a cupcake tray. 
Sift the flour. These cupcakes are kind of heavy and can be bready. So make sure to sift the flour before cooking. 
Then mix flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. In a different bowl, mix butter, peanut butter, and brown sugar with beaters until they're blended. Add vanilla and egg. 
Pour milk and flour mixture into the bowl alternately, until completely mixed. 
Pour into liners put in the oven and bake for 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted. 
Let cupcakes cool before frosting.

Peanut Butter Frosting

1 cup peanut butter
1 1/2 tsp of vanilla
2 1/2 cups confectioner's sugar
6 tbs milk

Cream peanut butter and vanilla together until blended. Add 3 tablespoons of milk and half the confectioner's sugar. Beat until combined. Add the rest; beat until combined. If your frosting doesn't seem to be smooth enough, add more milk one table spoon at a time, mixing well after each addition. 
Make sure the cupcakes are cool. If they're not, the frosting will melt. 
Frost anyway you like. I frosted using a frosting bag, but no tip, but you can do it whatever way works best. 

Chocolate Ganache

3/4 cups of semisweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup of heavy cream

This part calls for a double boiler. I don't have one, I refuse to buy one, because you can put water in a pot and put either a metal bowl or another pot on top and use that as a double boiler. 
Anyway, do that and put the chocolate chips and heavy cream in there, stirring as it melts. 
You'll want it be smooth, but not completely liquid. I wish I had a picture to show you. 
The best way to explain it is that when you pour it off the spoon you want it to be thick that it pours in streams. 
I wish there were a better way to describe it other than the "Correct consistency of chocolate." 

Decorate the cupcakes as you choose. 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

5 Minute Make Up Look

So, we all see them. Five Minute "Natural Makeup looks" You only need thirty million different things to achieve this natural look.

Who has the time?
People are lucky if I put make up on most days. Anyway, I do have a pretty quick routine and I thought I'd share it with you.

I also do a version of this when I'm going hiking or intend to be outside. I will only wear foundation, powder, and mascara. Just because I don't always want to look like the walking dead.

Step 1 Foundation
I used Rimmel Dream BB Pure in shade 10 as foundation. This acts as a sunscreen with out putting on the sunscreen and has light coverage.

Step 2: Set Foundation
I used Ulta Mineral Powder in shade light. This keeps the make up from moving around.

Step 3: Contour/Bronze
I used Too Faced Chocolate Soliel.  I don't always do this, but if I'm going to work I will.

Step 4: Blush
I used an Ulta palette blush.

Step 5: Eye shadow
I used a medium matte brown shade to contour the eye from the ULTA palette. I do this in the crease with a fluffy angle brush and blend it out.

Next I go in with a light shade, this can either be shimmery or matte, which ever you prefer and just pop that on the lid. Then a white shade in the corner of the eye and on the brow bone.

Step 6: Eye Liner
I use a dark matte eye shadow as eye liner under the eye as well.

Step 7: Mascara

Step 8: Lip Gloss

There you have it. Five minutes later done!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May Goals and photo dump!

Wow... where did April go? I mean it was here one second and then gone the next.

Did this month blow past for anyone else?

I stayed busy between work and trying to have a life. Honestly, it was chaotic, but fun. Don't think I'd like a month like this every month.

So, let's see how we did in April. Just as a refresher, here are my April Goals.

Blog Goals
Post once a week.
Add cooking to the blog.  

Life Goals
Keep up with the chore chart.  
Only buy coffee two times a week. 
(It doesn't help Dunkin Donuts is 7 minutes away from work.)

Health Goals
Go to the gym five times a week. 
Prep two meals a week. 

Well then, I did all right in the Blog Goals section. I posted once a week and added cooking. To see my first cooking post, look here

Life Goals
Well, I did not keep up with the chore chart. It was pretty sad actually. One day I'll find a circadian rhythm that is actually conducive to humaning.... Until then, I'll muddle through. 
I made the Coffee goals. Knowing that I would have to report back to you all, whoever you all are, held me slightly more accountable. 

Health Goals
I did not go the gym 5x a week. I don't know what happened. I think I got sick, and then it's gotten hotter lately, which makes it hard to be motivated. Maybe this month I'll back it down to three times.
And I may not have meal prepped twice a week, but I did it more often than not, which is an improvement. 

Now time for 
May Goals

Blog Goals
Continue to post once a week. (Gotta do it for more than one month, so it becomes habit.)
I think that's my only blog goal this month. 

Life Goals
Keep up with the stupid chore chart. I made it for a reason.... 
Find a place to live. (I'm not homeless, just moving.)
Save up more money for a huge vacation to China!
Stop eating out as much as possible. 
Write 30 minutes once a week. 

Health Goals. 
Make it to 145 lbs by the end of the month. 
Go to the gym three times a week. (Which shouldn't be hard, I attend three classes a week.)
Up my running interval on the treadmill to 6 minute spurts with 5 minute walks. 

Well, since this has been a text heavy post, I'll show you guys some pictures of what I've been up to. 

Camping (What's a freezing cold camping trip with out a poodle dog?)

Israel at the ruins of Bet Sha'an


Ethiopian coffee

A Dramatic Production for the MS foundation LUNA

Cirque Du Soleil's Ovo 
The dragonfly was my favorite!

More Hiking Pictures!

As always, 

Here's to hoping we find what we're searching for. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Award-Winning, Hearty Turkey Chilli

No, seriously, I won an award for my Chili. 

Albeit, third, but I placed none the less. 

A little history of how this came to be about. The place I where I work was having a chili cook off to raise money. I decided to enter, but me, being the forward thinking person I am, decided I needed an angle. Something to set me apart from everyone else. 

I figured, why not make a turkey chili. That would be something that no one else would do. And in every competition, you always need an edge. That extra little thing that makes you stand out from the crowd. 

So after scouring the interwebs, mainly Pinterest, I happened upon this recipe.  Silvia from Garden to Kitchen details this tasty recipe. I of course, tweaked it a little bit, as you do.
So on to the Recipe 

Award-Winning, Hearty Turkey Chili

Crock pot portion
  • 1 cup Chicken Broth
  • 1 large can Tomato Sauce
  • 1 - 2 bags Black Beans
  • 1 - 2 bags Kidney Beans
  • 1 bag Pinto Beans


Clean beans, and either follow the quick cook instructions or soak them over night.  If you don't want to do this step, just buy cans of beans and rinse them. 

Add the first 5 ingredients to the crock pot/ slow cooker and stir to combine. Cover and turn on high.

Skillet Portion

  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Med White onion
  • 4 Garlic Cloves, minced and crushed
  • 1 lb Lean Turkey
  • 1 1/2 tsp Sea Salt
  • ½ tsp Cumin
  • 1 tsp Oregano
  • Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Chili Powder, and Paprika enough to cover the meat. 
  • 1 Yellow Pepper, diced
  • 1 tbsp Tomato Paste
  • 1 cup Chicken Broth
  • 1 tbsp Flour

In a large skillet heat the olive oil. Chop onions, red pepper, and garlic. (Be sure to crush the garlic to release flavor). 

Add to the skillet. Cook until soft and fragrant (3-5 mins). 

Add the ground turkey and cook until no longer pink. Be sure to stir and break the turkey into little chunks (about 10 minutes). 

Add the salt and spices and mix to combine (2 mins). 

Add the tomato paste, chicken broth and flour,  to create a thick and flavorful sauce. When it comes to adding the broth, if it doesn't look like there's enough, add more. If you don't the chili will dry up. 

Add the skillet content into the crock pot/ slow cooker, mix. 

4. Cover tightly and cook on high for 2h to 2½ hours.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: 6-8 servings

There you have it. An award winning chili. I made it a second time and gave some to friends, since nearly my entire family bailed on me when I made it the second time. No complaints there!


Thursday, April 20, 2017

VitaFusion Hair, Nails, and Skin Gummies review

A post shared by Court (@insearchofwonderment) on

A while back I colored my hair a few times, from blonde to auburn to auburn again. I also got dissatisfied with my hair in general and wanted to do something new, so I cut it. Not super short, but short for me. If you look back at old pictures, my hair was fairly long.

Too, I've always wanted long pretty nails. Mine are brittle and break so easily. So I saw the commercial for the VitaFusion skin hair and nails gummies and had thought about trying them.

However, on one of those glorious nights as I roamed Walmart, picking up things I "needed," I happened upon them. Unsure if they were the exact ones, I purchased them anyway. And as, you'll see from the picture above, I started taking them Jan 28.

To take these, you're supposed to take three a day, which I ended up taking them all a the same time, because I would forget. As a side note, they taste pretty all right. They have a berry flavor, which is pretty pleasant.

I can't say so much if it gave me better skin. I have a pretty in depth skin routine. I think where I first noticed was my nails. They started growing like crazy and pretty strong. Then I noticed my hair getting longer. So all in all, I would say that this product works. I wish I had some before and afters, but alas, I'm none so prepared.

I have been trying it against regular old biotin. I find that biotin may work, but it takes much longer to do so.

I had bought more of the Vitafusion, but I got it and had no safety seal, they day I tried to take it back to Walmart, it was 92 degrees at least, and they melted. But hey, they're sanitized right? Anyway, I would recommend this product it does improve nails and hair, and probably skin.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Pastel Easter Look with Nude Lip

I know it's been a long time, but here is a video finally. To get back into the swing of things, I did a pastel makeup look for Easter. It's my favorite holiday.

Maybeline BB Creme
Ulta Mineral powder

ELF Blush
Shannxo Palette second color first row

Ulta Palette Naked (Base color)
Urban Decay NYC Palette
Ecstasy (Crease, outer third, under eye) Any purple lavender
Aquarius (Lid, inner third under eye) Any bright light blue
SWF (Inner third) Any light pink

NikkiTutorails Too Face Palette
Painkiller (Blending Shade) Matte mid Tone shade

ELF liquid liner pen: Teal

Urban Decay Midnight Cowboy (Inner Corner, brow bone)

Lipliner Star Looks: Sultry Sangria
BH Cosmetics Liquid Matte Lipstick Serena
BH Cosmetics lipstick Nudie Love

Monday, April 3, 2017

Heart to Heart and April Goals

All right, it's been a month. Annnndddd before we dive head long into the April Goals, I think I'd like to take a minute and just chat.

Last year was chaotic for me. I went to Israel, for a second time. (Which if you all are interested, I might be inclined to share.) To do that, I took on a second job, which is why I wasn't posting as much after September. 

I think that's when things got difficult.

I won't say I work harder than anyone else, but what I do for a living, working with the elderly is draining. I was working in a memory care unit at the time, which is more emotionally and mentally involved. Then I would work at an Escape Room on the weekends and some week days. (For those of you who don't know what it is, I'll explain. You're "locked" in a room with a group of people; sometimes friends, sometimes strangers. You must all work together to escape the room. It's a lot of fun, and it's even more fun to be the game master, which I was.) 

That job wasn't hard at all, just a lot of extra work, and then I was trying to maintain a social life, blah blah blah. 

And I think I've said it before, I always get sad during the winter months. Maybe it's lack of sunshine; maybe it's negative connections. Probably both, but it got really bad last year. The worst it's been in a while. I was letting what other people thought about me control how I viewed myself.  It amplified my own insecurities. and then we being the spiral downward.

 To put it plainly, I wasn't doing well. 

Anyway, I started going to the gym. I quit the second job. (Well, went to an on call sort of status.)  I pushed some people away that weren't healthy while I healed. 

I realized that I needed the gym.  

I won't say I suffered from diagnosed depression. I haven't been diagnosed so I can't suffer from it, and I intend to keep it that way. But I get the blues really easily. Especially if there is the slightest hormone fluctuation in my body. The gym dispels a lot of that. I feel it mentally and emotionally if I skip too many days. I literally need the gym. 

I'm going to say to all you out there who have depression or something of that nature. Hit the gym. Maybe find a buddy to go with you at first. Because it's intimidating. I'm still intimidated by the buff people who know the machines. Doesn't matter though, I still go. I have every right to be there, and so do you.

 I say the gym because it's easy to fall off the work out band wagon. It doesn't have to be big, it can be walking on the tread mill, or something. Join a yoga class.. Make an appointment with a trainer/buddy so you have to go. It had a two fold effect, for me. You get endorphins.

Then, on top of the endorphins that keep you from killing people, you also start to look better. You feel yourself loosing weight gaining muscle. Then suddenly you'll  notice that daunting 30 mintues on the treadmill becomes an hour. When I started going to the gym, the elliptical kicked my butt. Now, I actually half trot/half walk on the treadmill. 

But enough of that. I got better was my point. Now, I want to get back to blogging, maybe not as much as I was, but this whole sporadic thing has got to stop. Writing is my art. Blogging my medium. I'll never excel if I don't use it. 

As I was deciding what I should blog about, I realized I missed doing monthly goals. It kept me accountable. 

So here we are. April Goals

Blog Goals
Post once a week.
Add cooking to the blog.  

Life Goals
Keep up with the chore chart. 
Only buy coffee two times a week. 
(It doesn't help Dunkin Donuts is 7 minutes away from work.)

Health Goals
Go to the gym five times a week. 
Prep two meals a week. 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

DIY Yoga Mat Cleaner

This was my favorite one. Lol. I just like the attitude. 

So a while back, when I was doing the work out month February of last year, I thought about doing a yoga mat cleaner. Back then though, I thought to myself, Self, why would you do a yoga mat cleaner? 
You work out at home.

Then I started going to the gym. That’s right. Me, miss anti-work out in public, is going to the gym. In fact, it’s become my second home.

While at the gym, I picked up a yoga class, and then I realized why you’d want a cleaner.
The same class you do your yoga on is the same class that hot guy doing pushups and free weights sweats on. And the same class the Zumba people dance on with their shoes.

Does anyone else think about where dirty shoes have been?

I do. Ew.

And other peoples sweat, even that hot guys? Blech.

So I finally got down to business and made a yoga mat cleaner, because why not? 

I hunted around Pintrest, until I found a recipe I liked. I found one at Greenback Girl here

Here are my ingredients. 

You'll need some water, witch hazel, tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus oil, and a spray bottle. Well, really only the tea tree oil. that's the true disinfectant. But the others are good as well. 

First, you need a 1 cup of water. 

The website I got it from didn't say distilled water specifically, I picked it up, because distilled water is better than regular water, right? Besides this was only a dollar.  and I got to drink the rest. 

Next comes the witch hazel. 

You need 1/4 cup. Witch Hazel. This is a cleanser and air freshener. (You can use it on your face too.) I personally don't like the smell of witch hazel, but it helps clean and it makes it better. 

Next come the essential oils. 

You need 10 drops of tea tree oils. Again, a disinfectant. Personally, I love the smell of tea tree oil. 

 Then, 15 drops of lavender oil. This is for calming. It also covers the smell of the witch hazel. I like the smell tea tree oil smell better.

5 drops of Eucalyptus. Another air freshner and cleanser. 

Then you put it all in a bottle and. . . 

Shake, shake, shake. 

Then you spray spray spray. 

Give it a few minutes. Wipe it off. It smells aaaammmmmmaaazzzzzinnnnnnnnggggggg. I really mean it. It smells super good. And it felt pretty clean. If nothing else, it smells good. 

So this is the first post of 2017. I hope every one enjoyed it.